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On This Page: View Summary Charts & Headline results quantifying the proximity of schools to pupils, pupils to schools, and schools to each other for all available years for the selected school as well as all schools in LA as a whole by way of comparison.
Use the Pupil Selection Filter panel below to filter the most recent years () STHC Proximity & Pupil Choice Analysis results and visualise and quantify how many eligible pupils are "leaking away" from the selected schools' "doorstep". This data is derived by analysing all pupils against 5 specific criteria:-
These criteria are used as, though there will probably be some eligible pupils living within the walk threshold of the school but not going there, they may well have other schools to choose from on their doorstep which, from a sustainable travel point of view, are an equally valid choice. By drilling down through the "Quick Select" options below, you will gradually weed out these pupils to leave only eligible pupils for whom the school is their nearest choice, who live within walk threshold but they are going to schools elsewhere. Once you are familiar with the concepts you can manually set each of the data parameters to see how they affect the pupil numbers in the "Manual Select (Advanced)" tab.
Creation of this analysis dataset does not require Pupil Usual Mode of Travel data as the pupil location is part of core National School Census data. However if travel mode data is available for the selected school, there is also the ability to use it to further filter the pupils.
Suggested Filters Map Filter Options
What Do These Mean? Drill down through the pre-set data filters below to visualise and quantify how many pupils are "leaking away" from the selected schools' "doorstep" (the map, tables and charts will redraw automatically):-
Set each of the 4 parameters below to filter the Pupils Living Within Walk Threshold of the selected school (map, tables and charts will redraw automatically):-
If we have Pupil Usual Mode of Travel for the selected school then you can further filter the pupil selection by using the "Quick Select" options or the tick boxes for each mode below. Remember in the absence of pupil usual mode of travel data then the pupils' mode is coded as "Unknown (UNK)". Note: Unlike in the other tabs you need to click the "Apply Travel Mode Filters" button for your selections to take effect. The map, tables and charts below will then update.
Counts, Schools Attended & Travel Distances For Selected Pupils
The bar charts below profiles how far the selected pupils live from the selected school, and how this compares to the distance to their nearest school.
The Pupil Proximity and Pupil Choice Analysis is not available for this school OR your log-on does not permit you to view this area.
This School is part of the pilot study area.